Eleganz in Holz und Epoxid gestalten

Bei Arb-Rini Woodworking sind wir darauf spezialisiert, atemberaubende Epoxidharztische und maßgefertigte Holzprodukte zu kreieren, die modernes Design mit natürlicher Schönheit vereinen. Jedes Stück ist einzigartig und mit viel Sorgfalt gefertigt.

A man stands in a rustic workshop, examining a piece of wood. The space is filled with woodworking tools and materials. To the right, a rooster and a nearby hen perch on large logs, adding a rural, natural element to the scene. The stone walls and archways of the building create an old-world charm.
A man stands in a rustic workshop, examining a piece of wood. The space is filled with woodworking tools and materials. To the right, a rooster and a nearby hen perch on large logs, adding a rural, natural element to the scene. The stone walls and archways of the building create an old-world charm.
Herausragende Handwerkskunst und atemberaubende Designs.

Freskim Januzi



Sehen Sie, was unsere Kunden über unsere exquisiten Holzarbeiten sagen.

Der Epoxidharztisch hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen; er ist ein atemberaubendes Highlight in meinem Zuhause.

Jonas Weber
A wooden table with visible grain and a handcrafted design, showcasing a natural finish and sturdy construction. The photo captures a close-up angle of the table's edge and legs, highlighting its rustic charm.
A wooden table with visible grain and a handcrafted design, showcasing a natural finish and sturdy construction. The photo captures a close-up angle of the table's edge and legs, highlighting its rustic charm.


Ich war von der Handwerkskunst der Treppe beeindruckt. Wirklich ein Kunstwerk!

A staircase with stone steps and black anti-slip strips runs down the image. The railing is made of wood and metal, with the wood painted in a light brown and the metal in a red hue. The walls and floor are a light gray, adding a muted tone to the scene.
A staircase with stone steps and black anti-slip strips runs down the image. The railing is made of wood and metal, with the wood painted in a light brown and the metal in a red hue. The walls and floor are a light gray, adding a muted tone to the scene.
Mark Egger



Unser Standort

Besuchen Sie uns, um exquisite Holzarbeiten und Epoxidharz-Kreationen zu entdecken. Erleben Sie Handwerkskunst, die Holz in atemberaubende Kunstwerke verwandelt.


411 Rexhep Bislimi, Ferizaj, Kosovo


Mo-Fr 09:00